Baza Garden Wastewater Cross-Island Pumping & Conveyance System - Phase I
Total Amount: $14,517,285.35
Completion Date: November, 2018
Scope of Work:
Work of the project includes construction of a new pump station #3 (Aplacho Bridge) access road and pavement, perimeter fence line, site retaining wall, site grading, site drainage improvements, generator and wetwell structure and finishing's, wastewater pumps, installation of sewer line "B", forcemain "3", sewer line "C" and the road repair.
Baza Garden Wastewater Cross-Island Pumping & Conveyance System - Phase II
Completion Date: July, 2018
Scope of Work:
Work of the project includes construction of a new pump station #2 (Windward Hills), access road and pavement, perimeter fence line, site retaining wall, site grading, site drainage improvements, generator and wetwell structure and finishing's, wastewater pumps, installation of sewer line "B", forcemain "2", sewer line "C", and the road repair.